Somers U10 Bantam Boys
The Bantam boys team allows players in grades 3 & 4 to play in this division. We welcome both returning and new players to Somers Lacrosse! We ask parents and players to attend a mandatory season kickoff meeting before the first practice. Additional season details will be shared at the kickoff meeting.
This program is for boys in grades 3 and 4. There is no requirement that you have played lacrosse before.
The season will begin in late March and run through early/mid June.
Practices and home games are held at Firehouse Fields on 9th District Road. Away games may be played in towns throughout Central CT and Western MA.
Practices are typically held 2-3 days per week, rarely on weekends. Teams tend to practice more often prior to games commencing.
Teams will play 10-15 games over the course of the season, both here in Somers, as well as surrounding towns. Each team will play 1-2 games per week, with most games taking place on weekdays.
Every player is required to have a reversible jersey and shorts for the season. New players must purchase a complete uniform. Returning players have the option to wear their uniform from last season or to purchase new gear as needed. Uniform sizing can be found below:
The 38th annual Paul Bowers Memorial Tournament will be held in Somers on May 31st and June 1st. This is our one-and-only fundraiser, and we ask each family to volunteer 2-3 hours (per athlete) to help ensure the tournament's continued success!
2025 Spring
Steps for Registration. Please read carefully!
Prior to registering on the Somers Lacrosse Association Website, players must purchase their own USA Lacrosse membership before completing registration here. A valid USA Lacrosse membership is required, lasting one year. Follow the steps below:
If your child played Bantam, Junior, or Senior lacrosse last already have a USA Lacrosse Parent Account. Visit and click the red My Account button
1. After proving you’re not a robot, you can either log in to the site using your credentials, or choose recover or reset your password. If you remember your credentials, you can skip to Step 3.
2. Click the red Submit button to follow the password reset instructions
3. Select Buy/Renew Memberships and purchase youth membership(s) by following the prompts. Make note of your child's 12-digit membership number, including leading zeroes.
4. Return to and register your player for Bantam, Junior, or Senior Lacrosse.
If your child HAS NOT played Bantam, Junior, or Senior lacrosse, please follow these steps:
1. Visit and click the red Join button
2. After proving you're not a robot, choose Create Account. Complete your free parent account and then continue to Step 3 (above).